master branch

Solver Chain

Overview of solver chain and related command-line options


The solver chain

KLEE has a number of command line options that control the solver chain that is shared both by the klee and kleaver tools.

The solver chain is implemented internally using the decorator design pattern. Thus when a solver query is issued it travels through a nested stack of solvers and may eventually call the underlying SMT solver (core solver).

The reasons for this architecture are:

  1. Allows transforming the solver query into another form that is hopefully faster for the core solver to solve (e.g. the independence solver).
  2. Allows querying the core solver to be avoided in some cases (e.g. the counterexample caching solver).
  3. Allows logging of queries at different stages in the solver chain.

The constructSolverChain() function is used to create the solver chain.

Core solver

This is the underlying SMT solver. Several solvers are currently supported. The default is dependent on what solvers were available when KLEE was built. The solver can be selected using the -solver-backend= option.


metaSMT: An Embedded Domain Specific Language for SMT link. Use -solver-backend=metasmt.

These are options that only affect the MetaSMT solver.


This specifies the solver that metaSMT should use. Valid values for <backend> are stp (STP), z3 (Z3), and btor (Boolector). Note that Z3 can also be used directly through its API via the Z3 core solver.


When set to true (default: true) constructed MetaSMT expressions will be cached (and then cleared) for each constraint to facilitate expression re-use.


STP: Simple Theorem Prover SMT solver link. Use -solver-backend=stp.

These are options that only affect the STP solver.


When set to true (default: false) every query that the STP solver receives will be written to standard error in its native format.


When set to true (default: false) unexpected solver failures in the STP solver will be ignored.


When set to true (default: true) constructed STP expressions will be cached (and then cleared) for each constraint to facilitate expression re-use.


Set the underlying SAT solver for STP (default: cryptominisat) when it is available.


Z3: The Z3 Theorem Prover link. Use -solver-backend=z3.

These are options that only affect the Z3 solver.


When set every query that the Z3 solver receives will be logged to the file at <path> in the SMT-LIBv2 format.


When set Z3’s C API interaction will be logged to the file at <path>. This log can be replayed by the Z3 binary using its -log option. This option is useful for precisely reproducing KLEE’s interaction with Z3 outside of KLEE.


When set to true (default: false), Z3 models will be substituted back into the Z3 expressions for every query that is satisfiable. This is used to check that the models that Z3 provides are satisfiable in Z3’s own constraint language. If a model does not satisfy the constraints information about the failure is printed to standard error and then an abort() is called.

Note Z3 models being satisfiable in Z3’s constraint language does not necessarily imply that the model is satisfiable when substituted into KLEE’s own expression language. This could happen if there was an unintentional semantic mismatch between Z3’s and KLEE’s expression language. To check that a model satisfies KLEE’s constraint language use -debug-assignment-validating-solver.


When set, Z3’s verbosity level will be set to level <N> (default: 0). This is equivalent to the Z3 binary’s -v:<N> option. This is useful for observing Z3’s internal behaviour (e.g. what tactic is being applied).


When set to true (default: true) constructed Z3 expressions will be cached (and then cleared) for each query to facilitate expression re-use.

Common core solver options

These are options shared by two or more core solvers.


This only affects the MetaSMT and STP solvers. When set to true expressions involving division will be optimized (if possible) before being given to the solver.


This only affects the MetaSMT and STP solvers. When set to true (default: true) the solver is created in a separate process that is forked from the klee/kleaver process. When set to false the solver is created in the klee/kleaver process.

Caching Solvers

These solvers cache previous queries to avoid calling the underlying solver when possible.

Caching solver

This solver caches previous queries and their result to avoid calling the underlying solver in certain situations. The queries are canonicalized to increase the cache hit rate.

This solver can be enabled with the -use-branch-cache option.

Counterexample caching solver

This solver caches satisfying assignments to queries (i.e. “counterexamples” to validity) which can be used to avoid calling the underlying solver in certain situations.

This solver can be enabled with the -use-cex-cache option.

Independence solver

This solver splits a query into disjoint sets of independent constraints and then calls the underlying solver on each set to solve them independently.

This solver can be enabled with the -use-independent-solver option.

Debugging solvers

The remaining solvers are used for debugging.

Assignment validating solver

This solver checks that assignments to satisfiable queries are satisfiable when substituted into the expressions in the query.

This is useful for checking the consistency of KLEE’s constraint language and that of the core solver.

This option can be enabled using the -debug-assignment-validating-solver option.

Debug validating solver

This solver is meant for debugging and currently is only useful if building with assertions is enabled. The solver can be enabled with the -debug-validate-solver option.

This solver invokes the underlying solver and a separate solver for every query and then checks that the solvers agree. The separate solver can be set with the -debug-crosscheck-core-solver= option which takes the same arguments as -solver-backend=.

This is useful for comparing two completely independent solvers (e.g. STP and Z3) and for checking that invoking the solver chain and a solver directly obtains the same results.

Query logging solver

The query logging solver logs queries at different positions in the chain.

The option to enable this is the --use-query-log= option. The format of the option is --use-query-log=TYPE:FORMAT, where:

In addition there are several options that change how these queries are logged.